When I first moved to NYC, I slept on my brothers bedroom floor on an air mattress that well...deflated every night. It was only a few weeks before my brother, my best friend, and I snagged the apartment down the hall. The two bedroom apartment down the hall. That was in 2013 and I still currently live in the same upper east apartment now, almost 4 years later.
3 people in a 2 bedroom apartment isn't bad, but if you don't have a room to go into to get shit done - you forget the feeling of completely unwinding. The feeling of having a space that is all your own. YOU FORGET IT, because you don't have it.
I'm Cassie Lavo and this is my crib.
During the couple years I shared a room, I rarely thought about how I needed my own room. Of course when asked I would respond saying "I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MY OWN ROOM", but it wasn't constantly running through my mind. It wasn't because, life happens. You have work, you have fun, and you have other adult things you have to do.
Favorites in this photo: My chair: from when I was 14, My Jean Jacket: It's really soft somehow, and my NIKE AIR MAX SHOES: Thank you Nike and Tinker Hatfield for making these.
Recently... I got my own room. My own space to think and be creative. I have never appreciated it more than I do now.
Sometimes you need to lose something in order to remember how important it is to you. I'm Cassie Lavo and right now, I am sitting at that desk writing this post. This is my space. My space to unwind. My space to create.
This photo was taken after the photo above it. About 10 seconds after to be exact.